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Posts Tagged ‘bread

Here is part of my messy kitchen after playing with bread dough

Well, this will be fun to clean up!

A few days before my surgery I was hanging out at my mom’s house and found a Betty Crocker bread recipe book. It’s one of those old ones with the great recipes. I have a cookie one at home that is chalk full of super good cookies. Well, anyway, I decided to bring the book home and vowed to make bread as soon as I could get around the house well enough.

That day was today. I thought it would be hard, but simple enough. Carrie made pizza dough about a month ago and watching her it seemed relatively easy… what could go wrong???

I made the milk/sugar/stuff mixture and mixed it with the flour and yeast just like the instructions said…. I added flour just like the instructions said… I started to dump the dough onto a floured surface just like the instructions said…. Well…. I finally got it out of the bowl and onto the surface. I decided that it looked way too sticky to touch so I added more flour and floured my hands. Time to dig in!

It stuck everywhere! Oh my gosh. I have been watching a lot of Star Trek and it reminded me of what might be some alien substance that leaches to a person’s hands. I mean… the level of sticky was ridiculous. I eventually kneaded the dough and somehow scraped it off of my hands and into a greased bowl. It is now covered and hopefully rising. Below are a couple of pictures to show you a portion of the horror. Keep in mind this was after I de-gooed my hands! They were worse!!!!

my gross hands after "kneading" the dough

Gross.... and my poor wedding ring!

Well, folks, it was alllll worth it in the end! They were delicious!

me with my wonderful glazed orange rolls

Holy yumminess!!

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